Test Series - computer fundamental

Test Number 77/95

Q: A network that links many different types of computers all over the world.
A. Intranet
B. Internet
C. Arpanet
Solution: Internet is a network of computers that links many different types of computers. It is a network of network sharing a common mechanism for addressing computers.
Q: Internet was evolved from the basic ideas of ARPANET.
A. True
B. False
C. 0
D. none
Solution: The statement is true. ARPANET is the first WAN i.e., Wide Area network that had only four sites in 1969 for interconnecting computers.
Q: A service that allows a user to log in into another computer somewhere on the Internet.
A. Telnet
C. e-mail
D. UseNet
Solution: Telnet is the answer. It is a service that enables the user to log into another computer somewhere on the Internet.
Q: An internet service that allows the user to move a file.
B. Telnet
C. UseNet
D. Time Sharing
Solution: The answer is FTP. FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It allows the user to move a file from one computer to another on the internet.
Q: Anonymous FTP files are called ___________ accessible files.
A. Privately
B. Publicly
C. Batch
D. User
Solution: Anonymous FTP files are called publicly accessible files because they can be accessed by any user on the Internet.
Q: TCP stands for?
A. Transmission control program
B. Transmission control protocol
C. Transfer control program
D. Transfer control protocol
Solution: TCP stands for transmission control protocol. It basically allows different networks to interconnect.
Q: Any system that uses the HTTP protocol is called _________
A. Web Browser
B. Web Server
Solution: The system is the web server. HTTP stands for Hypertext transmission protocol.
Q: Any computer that can access the server is called?
A. Web Server
B. Web Browser
C. User
D. Web Client
Solution: Any computer that has access to the web server is called the web client. Web server is any computer that uses the HTTP protocol.
Q: Allows the user to create and maintain a personal list of favorite URL addresses.
A. Software
B. Web Servers
C. Web Browsers
Solution: Web Browsers help the user to maintain a personal favorite list of URLs. Also, allows the user to download information on various formats.
Q: URL stands for?
A. Uniform Resource Locator
B. Uniform Research Locator
C. Uniform Resource Link
D. Uniform Research Link
Solution: WWW specifies the URL of a website and allows the user to access information. URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator.

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